session about to expire in few minutes
Bright color beautiful blooms arranged in a clear vase.
Bring autumn's charm to your table with Teleflora's Sage Harvest Bouquet, a delightful centerpiece adorned with rustic elegance. Nestled in a timeless hand-painted ceramic pumpkin, its exquisite details and warm, earthy hues create a captivating focal point.
Put stars in her eyes with this magnificent bouquet featuring fragrant, fabulous stargazer lilies. There's nothing sweeter - except maybe your lady love herself. You'll make her Valentine's Day. And night.
Traditional and Timeless way to show your affection! Beautiful, long lasting, long stem red roses, always the perfect gift!
Absolutely glowing….Rosey Disposition is a fun transition from one season to the next. Flowers like roses, sunflowers, and delphinium rise to the occasion in this playful arrangement. Container may vary based upon availability.
Pure happiness is what this pretty bouquet delivers - whether you're sending it for a fall birthday, Thanksgiving, thank you, or simply just because. Surely, no one can be in the presence of something so inherently happy and not smile.
40 Seneca Street
Geneva, NY 14456
(315) 789-2554